A solid network is invaluable for entrepreneurship. The connections we make often are a catalyst for growth and success – because sharing and collaboration are the basis for innovation.
Blue hour after work | League twenty plus one | Start-up support | Social Entrepreneurship School
Blue Hour After Work
The Blue Hour is the after-work event for Dresden and the region. It offers a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to network in a special atmosphere. In addition to celebrating, the focus is also on social commitment: we collect donations for our foundation. In the unique ambience of the Kobalt Club Royal, participants can make contacts, exchange ideas and make a positive contribution together. Every Wednesday from 7 p.m.!
Join us here:
League Twentyplusone
Once a month, an exclusive group of 21 successful entrepreneurs gather under the banner of the "League Twentyplusone". This extraordinary gathering regularly takes place in the residential city of Dresden, more precisely in the elegant Kobalt Club Royal. The twenty successful individuals, plus one guest, come together from different industries and corners of the world, united by their common quest to make the world a positive place. The monthly meetings of the League Twentyplusone become a source of inspiration and engagement for the members who join forces to change the world in remarkable ways.
Why 21?
The League Twentyplusone is made up of 20 entrepreneurs who are members of the club and one guest each time, who inspires and enriches them with their input. The number 21 is the product of 3 and 7 – these numbers symbolize the values of the League Twentypluseone. While 3 represents creative power, 7 signifies perfection & compassion.
Unsere Bühne für deine Idee
Erfahrene Unternehmer treffen auf junge Innovateure?
Bei unseren Treffen geht es nicht nur um den gegenseitigen Austausch, sondern auch darum, gemeinsam Gutes zu tun. Das tun wir unter anderem, indem wir innovative Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle aktiv fachlich und finanziell unterstützen.
Hast du auch eine Idee, die Unterstützung braucht? Dann melde dich jetzt für einen Pitch beim nächsten League Twentyplusone Event an! Sende uns einige Informationen über dich und deine Idee/dein Unternehmen sowie ein aussagekräftiges Pitch Deck und überzeuge erfolgreiche Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer von deiner Vision:
Social Entrepreneurship School
Social entrepreneurship is a very special form of entrepreneurship: it's about doing something good for society. We would like to support this motivation! In addition to investments, coaching and mentoring are particularly necessary to build up a company. We want to promote sustainable and effective business models, because this is how we can positively shape our society in the long term.
More information will follow soon...
Start-up Support
We support the international cooperation of founders. In many countries around the world, the entrepreneurial spirit is different: companies are founded to solve real, urgent needs and problems. This change of perspective is extremely valuable for entrepreneurs in our country, because it offers inspiring food for thought. The exchange between founders from different cultures opens up opportunities for new ideas and unconventional solutions that shape a boundless future of innovation.
Our Projects
Coaching trip to Zambia with Travel to Grow
Our founder Maria organizes a unique trip to Zambia together with Franzsika Pohlmann and Travel To Grow. Experience the vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes and get to know local startups. Personality and business coaching, unique excursions and training for body, mind and voice are also in store for you.
Business coaching for All Out Africa
Together with All Out Africa, we were able to coach young entrepreneurs from Eswatini. Not only them, but we as well learned a lot. What remains is the lasting impression of what is possible when you are passionate about a topic.